Being “the official” photographer of The International Club of the Riviera, I had a pleasure to photograph a recent event organized by George Kasiliyake, the club’s founder. The event took place in the Scandinavian Terrrace in Cannes, a great place to rent during various festivals! It was a wonderful Gastro-Musical afternoon, combining great food & wine with a fabulous toe tapping tour of the great Broadway Musicals of all time! The club presented a show of one the best known international musical stars on the Riviera – Colette Marx-Nielsen (see the video below). We could also listen to some Jazz & Show Tunes performed by Cisco.
More about the event:,
The evening ended with a Charity Raffle Draw – the entire proceeds from this event went to the Theme Charity of the Club for children infected with HIV/AIDS.
I had a chance to talk a bit with John Dalton a founder of Arogya Agam – an organization based at Aundipatty. It’s mission is “To assist the community in the prevention and control of spread diseases. To empower those affected by poverty, oppression or gender to help them develop self-sustainability: socially, economically, politically, environmentally and in health”. If you would like to read some more about the association, visit:
One Euro a day is enough to support one child at school providing everything that’s needed for a good education. To check the previous events organized by George and his club type “club” in the search bar on the main page and hit enter. If you wish to join the club click here.